"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together
is a procces. Working together is a SUCCESS ☺"
-Henry Ford
Why we filipinos are mild drinkers? There are many things that comes to our minds. Maybe we're just having some fun, celebrating, or we drink when we have a problem about our families, friends and lovelives. Especially, nowadays many Filipino drink because they're depressed. They are many reasons why filipinos are mild drinkers.
We filipinos are mild drinkers is about this american soldier who was bragging about his drinking habits. Then he met an old farmer who offered him a drink in a coconut shell. And when he was drinking the native filipino beer (lambanog) at first fill Joe lushed his drink but reacted in a peculiar way, in the second fill he reacted again in a funny way and his neck stretched out like a turtle's. And by the third fill, he admitted that filipinos were mild drinkers.
This blog belongs to Group Six From Grade 8 St. Jude. We made this blog so that we can share our knowledge, idea and skills and we made this blog with full of efforts. We did our best to make this blog wonderful. We hope that you guys will like this. Hope you will appreciate our efforts. ☺ Thankyou :* mwamwah.
PS: Thank you sir Jayford for giving us this kind of project. ;)
Name: Shemaiah Greanne Naval
Nickname: "Sheanne"
Dream: To be a Doctor
Task: Discussion Director
Nickname: "Sheanne"
Dream: To be a Doctor
Task: Discussion Director
Name: Stephanie Espalabra
Nickname: "Panyang"
Dream: To be a Flight Attendant
Task: Character Captain
Dream: To be a Flight Attendant
Task: Character Captain
Name: Micheal Marigomen
Nickname: "Micheal"
Dream: To be an Engineer
Tasks: Literary Luminary
Nickname: "Micheal"
Dream: To be an Engineer
Tasks: Literary Luminary

Nickname: "Fitz"
Dream: To be a Marine Engineer
Tasks: Connector

Nickname: "Jeeb"
Dream: To be a Military
Tasks: Artful Adventurer
Dream: To be a Military
Tasks: Artful Adventurer